Thank you to all our European Customers who have supported us for many years. We have now left the EU and although we would still value your business we need to make you aware that although our governments have given us a free trade deal it is not all it seems. Products which are not made in the UK are not exempt from Import Taxes and you may be charged an import tariff along with your own countries VAT. We would rather be honest prior to your order than find out later. All Exports from the UK we do not have to charge the UK VAT (20%)

We will continue to hold one of the best selections of tyres and wheels for our hobby and hopefully at a better price than buying direct from the USA. Finding products is difficult at this time due to COVID but hopefully it will get better by the spring

During this transitional time there has been unfortunate delays due to the carriers having to learn the procedures and making sure that the import entries are correct. Several of our shipments are still stuck in port waiting on customs clearance, it may not be our paperwork but other exporters on the same truck who may have completed the forms incorrectly but it delays everyone’s consignments. Most orders for Netherlands and Sweden seem to be leaving via a different port to Dover/Calais are already with our customers. Please bear with us while we chase the carriers if your order has been delayed. We can get little information from the freight carriers as their customer services are overrun with people chasing delayed shipments.

We no longer have to charge UK VAT but will require the EORI number for European customers prior to shipment leaving the UK

John Pettifor
Managing Director


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